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Casal Mendes Blue is an irreverent Portuguese drink and presents a blue colour. It is an aromatized cocktail produced from young wines full of dynamism, moderately sweet but full of notes of freshness. Light-bodied, it's a fun, cool and very enjoyable drink.
Cabriz is one of the most well-known wineries of DÃO region, with more than 200 years of history. The Dimension of the vineyards and the prestige of the wines are the base of the strength and awareness of Cabriz in the Portuguese market.
White wines, harmonious, fresh and delicate and red wines with classy, elegant and velvety, full of character, capable of the best pairings from the finest and exquisiet the most traditional and intense dishes.
Juice Laranjada is a strongly carbonated soft drink, with a pronounced aroma and flavour of orange peel.