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Cabriz is one of the most well-known wineries of DÃO region, with more than 200 years of history. The Dimension of the vineyards and the prestige of the wines are the base of the strength and awareness of Cabriz in the Portuguese market.
White wines, harmonious, fresh and delicate and red wines with classy, elegant and velvety, full of character, capable of the best pairings from the finest and exquisiet the most traditional and intense dishes.
A blend of highly characterful varieties, typical of the Dão region, which give rise to a wine with fresh aromas and fruit, where a slight aging of part of the wines that make up the blend in French oak barrels added body, presence and complexity , without compromising the traditional elegance and smoothness that are the hallmark of reds in this region.
Sauvignon blanc is, probably one of the most planted and appreciated grapes varieties of the world. On the Specific "Terroir" of Quinta do Ortigão, great responsible of planting in Portugal, the grapes results in a fruity and distinctive wine in the nose, full of harmony and elegance in the mouth with a fresh and persistent finish.
Pouca Roupa is an elegant and fruity red wine from the Alentejo region with good minerality a great freshness, slight balsamic touches and a very balanced acidity